Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Barking up the wrong tree (Eric Barker)
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong by [Barker, Eric]

Former blogger tries to write a detailed treatise on how conventional traits of success e.g. good grades are actually impediments for "success" in real life. Good subject to do a deep dive, however the storytelling is below par. Perhaps the transition from a blogger to an author is an arduous one. :) Lost my way after 100 pages, life is too short to spend on books which dont hold the interest.
Sprint (Jake KnappJohn Zeratsky,‎ Braden Kowitz)

It is a Google version of Design Thinking. Replete with real word examples - both that worked and the ones that didnt. Very useful resource for new product launches, projects with ambiguous requirements etc.Also has a handy checklist - reference material for future. Finished this in 4 hours! Recommended. Albeit for folks in Tech, Media, New Product strategy.
Irresistible (Adam Alter)

Unputdownable to say the least. Explains the horrors of screen addiction, with lucid details crystallized from top research on this subject. Governments, Families are taking a nap while this consumes us - especially the digital native generation. A must read.